Planning Drawings

Drawings for planning applications


Professional architectural drawings to help secure planning permission for your building project.


Our planning drawing service gives you the best chance of getting the green light to make your building scheme happen.

We offer a free consultation to discuss your options for seeking planning permission.

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Getting the go-ahead

Applying for planning permission can be an intimidating process loaded with obscure rules, complicated procedures and endless pitfalls. But an experienced architectural team can ease the journey. Our skilled technicians take you through the steps and guide you past the hurdles. We provide a high-quality set of drawing plans that give you the best shot at pleasing the planning gatekeepers and getting your development approved.

We start with a free consultation to establish whether your building ambitions will need planning permission at all. Some schemes are allowed to pass without it, under permitted development rights. Assessing the size, type and location of your planned project, we can advise on whether your works would qualify for this.

If you do need planning permission, our architectural technicians will conduct a detailed survey to plot out and measure the site, record drainage positions, and take the dimensions of existing built structures, among a bundle of technical considerations.

We’ll then create drawings or your existing building (if there is one) and of your proposed development – including site, floor and roof plans. We might explore the feasibility of different build options. The comes the moment to submit your plans to your Local Planning Authority and wait for a response. Throughout this process, BWA will act as your agent, explaining each stage, liaising with the authorities, and administrating over aspects such as CIL payments and form submissions on your behalf.

"Aenean eu neque sed nulla mattis venenatis. Praesent dapibus lacus in leo posuere euismod. Morbi fringilla non felis ut ultricies. Morbi non urna nulla."

Name, Plymouth resident

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  • In some cases you may be able to keep your plans within limits that don’t require planning permission but it may be that the scale and nature of the project makes it essential. We can advise on your specific situation during your free initial consultation.

  • [Is there a set list of items? Site plans, floor plans, elevation plans, Ordinance Survey plans, etc? Plus the service of completing forms and dealing with planning authorities?]

  • [I imagine you might dodge this a bit by kind of saying… It depends. But could you maybe then give a rough guide to each stage… X-X weeks for the consultation, drawing and preparing the application, then X-X weeks to hear a response from your Local Planning Authority, and any other relevant stages…]

  • For the drawings, it would depend on the nature and scope of the design (will tell you during the initial free consultation). [For planning authority’s application fee, a guide to price would be…]

  • [Guide to the next options… I guess depends on the grounds on which rejected – maybe make adjustments and re-submit, or consider an alternative plan, or put the project on hold?]